
My first album is available!

My debut album, Urb's Eye View, is out on Bandcamp at Urb's Eye View.

Urb's Column is back!

This article was a term paper for my law class in the URI MBA program, on Michael Lewis's The Big Short.

James Main Kenney on Logarithmic Time Perception

Here's a column by James Main Kenney on Logarithmic Time Perception. This is one of life's most important concepts, and Mr. Kenney's article does a great job explaining it.

Letters to the Editor

The letters are still here. You can reach us at urbie@kafalas.com.

Candlepin Bowling Book (PDF)

The Game of Candlepin Bowling, by Florence Greenleaf.

Copyright (c) 2024 John Kafalas and Kafalas.com